Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
843 lines
Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Daniel Corbier
All Rights Reserved.
1. Introduction
2. Ucalc Features
3. Installation
4. Getting Started
5. Command Line
6. Ucalc Prompt
7. Table of Symbols
8. Summation
9. Numerical Integration
10. Solving Equations
11. LOAD command
12. WRITE command
13. SHELL command
14. Numerical Notations
15. Implicit Multiplications
16. Assigning Variables
17. Assigning Functions
19. Order of Precedence
20. Technical Notes
21. Registration
22. My Address
23. Distribution
24. Acknowledgments
1. Introduction
Ucalc is a high precision scientific calculator which can evaluate
expressions, solve equations, perform numerical integrations, and do
summations. It supports many built-in functions, operators, numerical
notations, and modes. It also allows for user-defined functions and
variables. Expressions such as the following can be computed:
63 - 5 + 4.821
(5.9-abs(2.8/5-3))^2 + sin( 3-(pi+3/4)*myfunction(x,y) )
#b101010 and (#b10101 or #h1CC) * 2^5
15 * sin(pi/4)+abs(10-(5+log(20))^2+9)-#b101110111
2. Ucalc Features
- High precision: 18 significant digits. +/-3.4E-4932 to +/-1.2E+4932
- Flexible notations: ** or ^, SQR or SQRT, MOD or % etc...
- Line editor with expression recall
- Expressions can also be entered at the DOS command line
- Decimal, hexadecimal, binary and octal notations
- Summations
- Numerical integration
- Equations can be solved
- Implicit multiplication
- Radian, degree, and gradient modes for trig functions
- Online help with F1
- Arithmetic operators
- Bitwise operators
- Relational operators
- Trig functions
- Hyperbolic functions
- Common functions such as factorial, absolute value, log, etc...
- User defined functions which allow many arguments
- User defined variables
- Commands to list all user variables & functions
- DOS redirection
- Adjustable FIX notation
- Adjustable number of digits
- LOAD & WRITE commands to retrieve or save a session
- PRINT command to send output to the printer
- SHELL command to temporarily go to DOS
3. Installation
Copy the files UCALC.EXE and UCALC.DEF to a directory defined in the
PATH statement of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file (like your DOS or UTILS
directory). If you do most of your calculations at the command line,
then you can put those files in a RAM drive for faster execution.
UCALC can also be run from the current directory.
4. Getting Started
There are two ways of running the Ultimate Calculator. The first way
is to enter your expression at the DOS command line as follows:
UCALC 5+4*8/2 [enter]
Ucalc also provides a line editor for performing more than one
operation per session. This environment allows you to assign values to
variables, and define functions as you go along. To run ucalc in that
mode, simply invoke UCALC at the DOS command line without any
expression as follows:
UCALC [enter]
When you are in this mode, you can press [F1] any time for help, and
[Esc] to quit the program. See EXAMPLES.DOC to get more ideas on how
to use Ucalc.
5. Command Line
At the command line, you can type UCALC followed by one of these
/? Help
/NODEF Does not load UCALC.DEF
If an expression is present at the command line, it is evaluated, and
control returns to DOS. Otherwise, you are left at the "ucalc> "
prompt, where you may enter several expressions and quit with [Esc].
If a symbol in your expression is in conflict with DOS, then enclose
the expression in quotes.
UCALC "5^4 | 5*8"
See EXAMPLES.DOC for a sample session.
6. Ucalc Prompt
At the ucalc prompt, you can enter an expression to be evaluated, and
use the following commands, and function keys:
[F1] Help (same as HELP or ?)
[F2] Lists variables (same as LIST)
[F3] Displays UCALC.DEF (same as LIST DEF)
[F4] DOS shell (same as SHELL)
[F5] Lists user functions (same as LISTF)
[Esc] Quit (same as QUIT, see also EXIT)
CLOSE Closes the file opened with the WRITE command.
CLS Clears the screen.
DIG nn Total number of digits displayed.
EXIT Exits to DOS without asking if you're sure.
FIX nn Number of decimal digits displayed.
HELP Gives online help (same as F1 or ?).
INTEG(fx,a..b [,n]) Numerical integration.
LIST Lists user defined variables (same as F2).
LISTF Lists user defined functions (same as F5).
LIST DEF Displays the contents of UCALC.DEF (F3).
LOAD"filename" Loads a file.
MODE {DEG|RAD|GRA} Changes mode to degrees, radians, or gradients
MODE HBO Toggles the hex, binary, octal answer display.
PRINT [ON|OFF] Prints the current session as you work.
PROMPT"yourprompt" Changes or removes the "ucalc> " prompt.
PROMPTA"yourprompt" Changes or removes the "Answer: " prompt.
QUIT Exits to DOS, and asks if you're sure.
SHELL Shells to DOS (same as F4).
SHELL"command" Executes a DOS command.
SOLVE(fx [=fx] [,a..b]) Solves equations.
SUM(fx,a..b [,dx]) Summation of function fx ranging from a to b.
SUMTABLE(fx,a..b [,dx]) Summation which displays intermediate results.
WRITE"filename" Records your session to a file.
The variable 'last' contains the value of the previous computation.
Variable 'x' is the parameter which should be used with SUM, SUMTABLE,
and SOLVE.
At the prompt, you may use the up (or down) arrow key to recall
previous expressions. You may also key in several characters before
pressing the up arrow in order to recall an expression starting with
those characters.
7. Table of Symbols
Symbol Equivalent Description Example
------ ---------- ----------- -------
( ) Prioritizes an expression 5*(1+1) = 10
^ ** Raised to the power of 4 ^ 5 = 1024
* Multiply by 3 * 6 = 18
/ Divide by 9 / 2 = 4.5
% MOD Modulo 7 % 4 = 3
+ Add 1 + 1 = 2
- Subtract 9 - 5 = 4
> Greater than 9 > 2 = 1
< Less than 7 < 4 = 0
= == Equal test 5 = 4 = 0
>= => Greater or equal 3 >= 3 = 1
<= =< Less or equal $3E <= 9 = 0
<> != Not Equal #b10101 <> 20 = 1
NOT Bitwise 'not' not(15) = -16
AND & Bitwise 'and' #b101 and #h1E = 4
OR | Bitwise 'or' 13 or 6 = 15
XOR Bitwise 'exclusive or' 9 xor 3 = 10
EQV Bitwise 'equivalence' 6 eqv 9 = -16
IMP Bitwise 'implication' 1 imp 5 = -1
SIN Sine sin(pi) = 0
COS Cosine cos(pi) = -1
TAN Tangent tan(pi) = 0
ASIN Arcsine asin(1) = 1.570
ACOS Arccosine acos(-1) = 3.141
ATAN ATN Arctangent atan(0) = 0
SINH Hyperbolic sine sinh(3) = 10.01
COSH Hyperbolic cosine cosh(2) = 3.7621
TANH Hyperbolic tangent tanh(1) = 0.761
COTH Hyperbolic cotangent coth(1) = 1.318
SECH Hyperbolic secant sech(0) = 1
CSCH Hyperbolic cosecant csch(1) = 0.850
ASINH Hyperbolic arcsine asinh(2) = 1.443
ACOSH Hyperbolic arccosine acosh(9) = 2.887
ATANH Hyperbolic arctangent atanh(.5) = 1.098
ACOTH Hyperbolic arccotangent acoth(7) = 0.143
ASECH Hyperbolic arcsecant asech(.3) = 1.873
ACSCH Hyperbolic arccosecant acsch(2) = 0.481
ABS Absolute value abs(-8) = 8
EXP e to the power of exp(3) = 20.08
RND Random number rnd(1) = .9686
INT Truncate to an integer int(6.8) = 6
CEIL Round upward ceil(6.8) = 7
EXP2 2 to the xth power exp2(3) = 8
EXP10 10 to the xth power exp10(3) = 1000
FACT Factorial fact(5) = 120
LOG2 Log base 2 log2(8) = 3
LOG10 Log base 10 log10(100) = 2
LOG LN Natural log log(16) = 2.77
SGN SIGN Sign of expression sgn(-9) = -1
SQR SQRT Square root sqr(64) = 8
8. Summation
Syntax: SUM(fx,a..b [,dx])
\ f(x) is written as SUM(f(x),a..b), where f(x) is your
/___ function, and a..b is the range.
x= a The summation cannot be part of another expression.
The optional dx parameter can be used to indicate an increment other
than the default 1.
ucalc> sum(x^2+2*x+14,5..1000)
Answer: 334848394
ucalc> sum(x^3-2,1..15,.1)
Answer: 127971.6
SUMTABLE is the same as SUM, except that intermediate values are
printed as the sum is being added.
ucalc> sumtable(x^2/fact(x),1..3)
Count Value Cumulative
1 1 1
2 2 3
3 1.5 4.5
Answer: 4.5
A long list can be aborted with the [Esc] key.
9. Numerical Integration
Syntax: INTEG(fx,a..b [,n])
This approximates the value for the definite integral of fx, using
Simpson's rule. This rule requires that n be an even number. Ucalc
takes care of that by automatically transforming n to the next
highest even number (n = n + n mod 2). If no value for n is given,
then 100 is used as the default number of subdivisions. This command
works properly only when fx is a continuous function.
ucalc> integ(x*sin(x),0..pi)
Answer: 3.14159267059288459
ucalc> integ(1-x^2,0..1,8)
Answer: .666666666666666667
10. Solving Equations
Syntax: SOLVE(fx [=fx] [,a..b])
This solves an equation for the value of 'x'. The statements in
brackets are optional. If the expression on the right of the = sign is
0, then you can simply do: SOLVE(expression). For instance,
SOLVE(3*x+2=0) can be written as SOLVE(3*x+2). If the equation happens
to have several solutions, you can indicate the domain (a..b) of the
particular solution you are interested in.
The algorithm used in this program for solving equations is the
Bisection Method, which is a special case of the Intermediate Value
Theorem. A solution can be found for continuous functions in the range
a < x < b, where f(a) < 0 < f(b). If a..b is not defined, then the
default range is from -1E6 to 1E6. If a real solution does exist, but
cannot be found with the default range, then try narrowing the range as
much as possible.
ucalc> solve( exp(x+x^2)-sqr(x+5) = 127 )
Answer: 1.76151609179570087
ucalc> solve( cos(x), pi/2..pi )
Answer: 1.57079632679489662
ucalc> solve( x^3+2*x+5 = 10+7 )
Answer: 2
ucalc> solve( 2*x^2-3 )
Answer: 1.22474487139158905
11. LOAD command
Syntax: LOAD"filename"
This command loads up the contents of a file into the Ucalc workspace.
The file may contain any Ucalc command. A file saved with the WRITE
command however, cannot be loaded directly if it contains "ucalc> "
ucalc> load"convert.def"
ucalc> load"finance.def"
ucalc> load"formula.asc"
12. WRITE command
Syntax: WRITE"filename"
This command records your Ucalc session to a file name that you
specify. Everything that is displayed on the screen will go to that
file verbatim, until you issue the CLOSE command, or exit to DOS. If
the file already exists, the WRITE command will append to it.
ucalc> write"ucalc.log"
13. SHELL command
Syntax: SHELL
This allows you to drop to DOS temporarily. To resume your session,
type EXIT at the DOS prompt. [F4] does the same thing as the SHELL
command. You may also pass a command for DOS to execute.
ucalc> shell"dir" ; This executes the DIR command.
ucalc> shell ; This drops you to DOS until you type EXIT.
14. Numerical Notations
The default numerical type is DECIMAL. Binary, octal, and hexadecimal
number types are also supported. The latter types must be preceded by
the # (number sign) symbol, and one of the letters "h", "b", or "o",
for hexadecimal, binary, or octal in that respective order. The $ sign
for hexadecimal notation can be used as a shortcut. See examples.
In order to see all your answers in hex, binary, and octal, issue the
command: mode HBO
Exponential notation is also supported. These are numbers followed by
the letter E, and an exponent number. For instance: 3.4E+5 translates
to 3.4*10^5, and 3.4E-5 translates to 3.4*10^(-5).
#b110101110, #o656, #h1AE, $1AE, 430, 4.3E2
are all the same number.
#b10101^2 * 5/$1EF + sin(5.8+2)*cos(#o302)-7E6 is a valid expression.
15. Implicit Multiplications
When writing math expressions, it is common to omit the times symbol
(*), when multiplication is implied. For instance, one may write
'2x+5', which is the same as '2*x+5'. The following are examples of
implied multiplications supported by Ucalc.
Expression Equivalent
---------- ----------
x y x*y
3pi+10 3*pi+10
5(4+8) 5*(4+8)
(5+5)(3+9) (5+5)*(3+9)
(3+2)8 (3+2)*8
16. Assigning Variables
Variables can be used to store values, which can later become part of
an expression. They are composed of letters of the alphabet, and may
contain numerical digits, as long as a numerical digit is not the first
mynumber = 12345
mass = 15
speed = 23+10.5
m1 = 10*pi^2
c2 = sqrt(37) + 5
17. Assigning Functions
Once defined, a user function can be used anywhere a built-in function
can be used. The naming convention of functions is similar to that of
variables. Argument names used in defining functions are temporary,
and do not affect user variables with the same name. The name of the
function itself, however, should be unique. User functions can accept
many arguments.
cube(x) = x^3
area(r,h) = pi*r*sqr(r^2+h^2) ; area of right circular cone
logx(base,num) = ln(num) / ln(base)
abc() = 5 + sin(b)
Commonly used constants & functions, such as e, pi, logx(x,y) and any
others that you use regularly, can be defined in UCALC.DEF. This file
can be created or modified with any ASCII text editor. You may use the
semicolon (;) as a remark. Anything following it will not be
interpreted as part of the expression.
Unlike the previous version which only allowed user functions &
variables, UCALC.DEF may contain any Ucalc command (such as MODE,
PROMPT, FIX, etc ...).
Every time Ucalc is run, it looks for UCALC.DEF in the current
directory first, and then in the directory which UCALC.EXE was loaded
from. If the file is found, its functions and variables are loaded.
The /NODEF option at the command line is equivalent to not having a
Here is an example of what UCALC.DEF may look like:
fix 5
prompt"" ; Removes the default "ucalc> " prompt
prompta"A:" ; Replaces the default "Answer: " prompt with "A:"
pi = 3.141592653589793
e = 2.718281828459045 ; Natural log constant
gravity = 9.80 ; Acceleration due to gravity
na = 6.0221367E+23 ; Avogadro's number 1/mol
sec(x) = 1 / cos(x)
csc(x) = 1 / sin(x)
cot(x) = cos(x) / sin(x)
logx(base,num) = log(num) / log(base)
There is a limit of 200 variables, and a limit of 128 instructions
(like +, *, ^, etc...) for user defined functions.
19. Order of Precedence
Here is the precedence list from highest to lowest priority:
Anything inside parenthesis is performed first ( )
Exponentiation ^
Multiplication, division *, /
Modulo MOD
Addition, subtraction +, -
Relational operators <, >, >=, <=, =, <>
OR, XOR (exclusive or)
EQV (equivalence)
IMP (implication)
20. Technical Notes
o DOS IO: A file with calculations to be performed may be created
ahead of time with your favorite text editor, and passed at the
command line in the following format:
An expression at the command line can also be redirected:
UCALC sumtable(2*x+5,1..1000) > RESULT.DAT
o End-of-file: When doing redirection from the DOS command line, make
sure that the input file ends with an end-of-file marker (^Z, or
ASCII character 26). Many text editors take care of this
automatically, but a few don't. An input file may alternatively end
with a ^C (ASCII 3) character or the EXIT command. An input file
with no ^C, ^Z or EXIT command may cause Ucalc to freeze.
o Ugly Numbers: Occasionally, numbers are not displayed as one might
expect. For instance you might get 8.23423423982432343E-18 instead
of 0, or .499999999999999999 instead of .5, which is actually pretty
close to the answer. This may happen as a result of lengthy
operations, or certain types of functions.
o Command Line Conflicts: Certain symbols used by Ucalc may also be
interpreted by DOS or other command shells. If there is a conflict,
then enclose the command line expression in quotes, such as the
UCALC "(5^4 | 18) < 10"
o HBO mode: When this mode is on, it will display the hex, binary, and
octal notations, only for values between -32766 and 65535. Numbers
beyond that range are displayed only in decimal form. Negative
numbers are represented in "two's complement" form. Only the integer
part of a number is displayed in hex, bin, and oct.
o Relational operators return a 1 for true expressions, and 0 for false
ones. For instance, 5 > 3 = 1, and 5 < 3 = 0.
o Compound Functions: Functions with multiple entries may be defined
by using relational operators. For instance:
/ 2+x^2, x > 0
f(x) = | 3, x = 0
\ x*2+8, x < 0
can be written as:
f(x) = (2+x^2)*(x > 0) + (3)*(x = 0) + (x*2+8)*(x < 0)
o Equal Sign: The single equal sign, =, can be used both for assigning
functions & variables, and as a relational operator. If there is a
conflict in the logic of an expression such that it can be taken
either way, then use the double equal sign, ==, when a relational
operator is intended. An assignment is assumed only when the
expression left of the left-most equal sign is a valid function or
variable name.
o Limited Function Space: There is a limit of 128 instructions (like
+, -, *, etc...) which can be used for defining functions. Every
time a function is defined or redefined, part of the instruction list
is filled, and cannot be reclaimed during a Ucalc session. An error
message is given when the number of instructions allowed is
o Variable names: Variable and function names may be up to 1024
characters long, which should be more than enough for most purposes.
These names may consist of any ASCII character other than those used
as operators. The first character cannot be a numerical digit.
Unlike version 1.2 which allowed it, a variable should not have the
same name as a function, due to implicit multiplication.
o Ucalc is not case sensitive. Upper case letters are treated just the
same as lower case letters. For instance, pi, PI, and Pi are all
treated the same.
o Text Buffer: The last 100 lines can be recalled using the up (or
down) arrow keys.
o Rounding: The rounding method in Ucalc is called banker's rounding.
With this method, numbers are rounded towards the closest even
number. For instance, both 11.50 and 12.50 are rounded to 12, and
both 13.50 and 14.50 are rounded to 14, when FIX is set to 0. Only
the displayed number is rounded, but calculations are performed in
high precision.
o Random Numbers: The RND function produces a random number between 0
and 1. RND(1) returns a new random number each time it is used.
RND(0) returns the previously used random number. If x is negative,
then RND(x) returns a predictable number. For instance, RND(-5) will
produce the same number each time. To get a random number between 0
& x, simply use RND(1)*x. For instance, RND(1)*50 will return a
random number between 0 & 50.
21. Registration
Ucalc is not "free", neither is it "public domain". It is a
copyrighted and commercial program distributed through the shareware
channel. This allows you to try the program first to see if it suits
your needs. If you decide to continue using it after 21 days, then you
are expected to pay the author a registration fee, which costs only $25
for individual use, or less per machine if you get a site license.
Some users may even qualify for a free registration.
All the features present in the registered version are also present in
the evaluation copy. I think that by letting you try all of the
features, you will decide to register if you want to continue using
this program. Please help prove me right be sending your registration.
Your registration will motivate me to spend the time & resources
necessary to add some of the features that you ask for. The delay
screen at the end of the evaluation copy is not present in the
registered version.
In order to help me better support this program, please answer the
questions in QUEST.DOC, whether you decide to register or not. This
will allow me to keep the price down, and add the right features in the
next version. Use the form in REGISTER.DOC to place your registration.
Easy Service
For your convenience, you can order Ucalc from the Public Software
Library with your Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover card
by calling toll-free at 1-800-242-4PSL (overseas: 713-524-6394) or by
FAX to 713-524-6398, and even by Compuserve at 71355,470. THESE
NUMBERS ARE FOR ORDERING ONLY. I can NOT be reached at those numbers.
24 hour shipping
PSL will immediately ship the registered version within 24 hours of
receiving your registration fee.
To registered users of Ucalc v1.2
Those who have registered Ucalc v1.2 are entitled to a free
registration for this version. If you don't receive it within a few
weeks, please contact me.
I will try to extend my support to unregistered users during their
evaluation period, however, I reserve the right to limit my support for
unregistered users if their requests become taxing for me. I prefer to
communicate by e-mail. If you wish to correspond by postal mail,
please send a self addressed stamped enveloped in order for me to
FREE registration for qualified students
If your school lab has a site license for the Ultimate Calculator for
use on 10 or more computers, then up to five students from your school
can receive a free registered copy of the program. All you have to do
is send me a request for your free copy, along with the name of your
school. Please check with the lab personnel first to make sure you are
one of the first five in your school to claim the free registration.
This offer is good for up to two months after your school lab has
ordered its license, and may end when the next version of Ucalc is
For this license agreement, a site is considered to be any corporation,
institution, government agency, computer lab, or non-personal
organization, with more than one computer capable of running the Ucalc
software, and with a locally accessible tech support person or team.
This definition of a site is subject to change.
A site may use the unregistered version for evaluation purposes only.
If the site decides to continue using Ucalc after 30 days, a site
license must be purchased. The site license arrangement provides for
volume discounts. See the file named REGISTER.DOC for the low rates
that are available.
A site license is for use of the software within your site, and is not
transferable. This license allows the internal use and copying of the
software by as many computers as contracted for. Distribution,
repackaging, or reselling of the licensed version to third parties is
not allowed under this agreement. The unregistered version however may
be freely distributed.
The LICENSOR (Daniel Corbier) warrants that it is the sole owner of the
Ucalc software and has full power and authority to grant this license
herein without consent of any other party.
The Ultimate Calculator (Ucalc) is provided on an "as is" basis without
warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The person using the
software bears all risk as to the quality and performance of the
software. The author will not be held liable for any special,
incidental, consequential, direct or indirect damages due to any
Aside from the legal stuff, I'm eager to support this program as much
as possible. I want to hear your suggestions for the next release.
22. My Address
For information about dealer pricing, volume discounts, site licensing,
latest version, suggestions, or for technical information, you can
contact me through one of the following means:
US Mail: (notice that this is a new address)
Daniel Corbier
11670 NE 20th Dr
Miami, FL 33181
corbier@andrews.edu (This one is preferred)
Daniel Corbier at 1:135/110 or Daniel Corbier at 1:135/23
INTERNET: corbier@andrews.edu
In the Miami area, I usually frequent the following BBSs daily:
Telcom Central 305-828-7909
Starlight 305-948-0183
MACC 305-596-1854
SOX 305-821-3317
I usually read the following conferences on a daily basis:
Fidonet: Shareware, ECPROG, Science and more
Internet: various comp.sys, and sci.math newsgroups
23. Distribution
You are encouraged to distribute the shareware version of the Ultimate
Calculator. The following files must all be present and unmodified
when distributed:
UCALC.DEF Definition file
UCALC.EXE Executable
UCALC.DOC Documentation
QUEST.DOC Questionnaire
EXAMPLES.DOC Examples for Ucalc
REGISTER.DOC Registration form
WHATSNEW.DOC List of new features in this version
CONVERT.DEF Conversion functions
FILE_ID.DIZ Descriptions for BBS use
The compressed file name must be UCALC18.??? or UCAL18.??? (replace ???
with ARJ, ZIP, LZH or whatever compression suffix being used).
Vendors may distribute Ucalc, as long as it is not labeled "free",
"cheap", "copyright free", or "public domain". It must be made clear
to customers that this program is shareware, and that a payment must be
made to the author if they continue using it. All ASP distributors in
good standing may distribute the Ultimate Calculator without my written
permission (although I would appreciate a copy of your catalog). Other
distributors who sell a disk containing Ucalc for more than $6 should
obtain my written permission (through postal or electronic mail).
24. Acknowledgments
I would like to thank all those who have registered the previous
version of Ucalc, and have sent suggestions. The new features in Ucalc
1.8 are a direct result of these suggestions. I would also like to
thank the following people for being beta testers for the Ultimate
Jonathan Borwein University of Waterloo
David G. Caraballo Princeton University
Elan Feingold Cornell University
Daryl Gungadoo Andrews University
James Hague
Rich Holland Kansas State University
Willie Hutton University of Colorado
Mark W Jacobs Stanford University
Michael D. Lawler Ball State University
Chris Long Rutgers University
Mark E. Mallett
Peter Paul Meiler TNO Physics & Electronics Lab, the Netherlands
Marty Milette Mitel Corporation
Matt Pardo North Carolina Medical Center
Alexander Pruss University of British Columbia
Glauber Ribeiro O.C. International, Brazil
Dave Sklar Temple University
John Steele Video Business Systems
David Steinman University of Toronto
Sue Widemark
Shi-Chang Wooh Northwestern University, Illinois